This magazine advert for Jessie J's début album - Who You Are - appears to be attempting to establish Jessie as an artist and therefore targeting as many people as possible. This is evident through the simplistic colour scheme which is used to allow the artist to become the focal point of the advertisement.

The artist name is written in an elegant golden font which presents the artist as sophisticated and important. This would cause the audience to become more intrigued by the artist and therefore more likely to buy the album. Other aspects of the typography are also in gold to allow them to stand out from the black background whilst also allowing the white text to stand out more. The white font against the

black background indicates the most important information in regards to the album, including the album name and the name of the single which was most successful from the album, in an attempt to gain the recognition and interest of audience members who may have heard her previous single. The white typography stands out against the black background and pale golden font around it.

The inclusion of the artist's record label and website gives the audience an opportunity to find out more information about the artist and album before purchase and by having the majority of these printed in white against the black background, they become easy to read. This insinuates their importance in the making of the album. However, interestingly, in the website address, the artist name has been written in gold again. This allows for an extremely clear connection between the artist and their website and re-establishes her importance.

The image of the artist used is simple and yet incredibly effective. Her black hair, outfit and make-up directly correlates with the black background of the advertisement whilst her pale skin tone is reflected in the white backdrop of the photograph. Her stance and facial expression combine to present Jessie J as feminine yet powerful, making her appear to be a beneficial role model for teenage girls. This would intrigue both young girls themselves and their parents as they could be willing to discover whether her music reflects this trait. In addition, her beauty and femininity would attract many teenage males. This allows the artist's magazine advertisement to interest a wide range of potential audiences.
This will help me when it comes to creating my own magazine advertisement as it has shown me how a simple design is still able to entice and intrigue an audience which hasn't previously been established. In addition, it has helped to highlight the importance of creating a clear connection between the album and the artist.
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