Wednesday 15 July 2015

G324 - Filming Hit Me Baby One More Time

Filming the Britney video took a lot less time than we had initially imagined. This was due to our chosen actors picking up the dance moves very quickly, despite having not danced before. This made the process a lot easier for us as it meant that we could focus on getting the shots and lip syncing correct, rather than becoming distracted by perfecting the dance moves.
We managed to film the video in just under 2 hours. This has given us lots of time to work on the edit which was what we were hoping for as we know that matching up the video with the music, in terms of lip syncing, could take a lot of time. In addition, this gives us the opportunity to go back and re-film certain shots if the need should present itself to us without taking up valuable time. With spare time at the end, we will be able to ensure is as good as we can make it.

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