1 - Music videos demonstrate certain genre characteristics;
The video clearly depicts the stereotypical characteristics of rap videos such as Eminem throwing signs, the theme of violence throughout the piece and the male character stealing alcohol from the shop.
2 - There is a relationship between lyrics and visuals;
The lyrics tell the story of a girl caught in an abusive relationship with a man who cannot control his anger which is shown throughout the narrative of the video through the man pushing the girl around and the fire. Not only this, but at some points during the video the characters mouth some of the words along with Eminem's rapping, showing an inseparable link between visuals and lyrics.
3 - There is a relationship between music and visuals;
The video is cut on the beat of the music, showing a distinct relationship between the two.
4 - The demands of the record label will include the need for lots of artist close-up's;
This is made obvious through the way in which there are a total of 39 close-ups on the artists throughout the song, 24 of them focusing on Rihanna and the remaining 15 focusing on Eminem.
5 - The artist may develop motifs or iconography that recur across their work;
Eminem's videos commonly show him to be isolated whilst rapping which is mirrored throughout this video.
6 - There is frequent reference to the notion of "looking" and particularly voyeuristic treatment of the female body;
There are some aspects within the piece that refer to the notion of looking, such as when the camera takes on the role of the female character's eyes as she looks at the phone number scrawled across the back of the male character's hand.
7 - There are often intertextual references, mostly to film, TV and popular culture;
By using Megan Fox to play the female character within the video, Eminem is creating more adversity for her which tied in with the release of the new Transformers film at the time.

This will help me when it comes to creating my own music video as it has helped me to understand how easily these ideas can be integrated into the video without becoming obvious to the audience unless specifically being looked for.
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