We managed to film the video in just under 2 hours. This has given us lots of time to work on the edit which was what we were hoping for as we know that matching up the video with the music, in terms of lip syncing, could take a lot of time. In addition, this gives us the opportunity to go back and re-film certain shots if the need should present itself to us without taking up valuable time. With spare time at the end, we will be able to ensure is as good as we can make it.
Wednesday, 15 July 2015
G324 - Filming Hit Me Baby One More Time
Filming the Britney video took a lot less time than we had initially imagined. This was due to our chosen actors picking up the dance moves very quickly, despite having not danced before. This made the process a lot easier for us as it meant that we could focus on getting the shots and lip syncing correct, rather than becoming distracted by perfecting the dance moves.
We managed to film the video in just under 2 hours. This has given us lots of time to work on the edit which was what we were hoping for as we know that matching up the video with the music, in terms of lip syncing, could take a lot of time. In addition, this gives us the opportunity to go back and re-film certain shots if the need should present itself to us without taking up valuable time. With spare time at the end, we will be able to ensure is as good as we can make it.
We managed to film the video in just under 2 hours. This has given us lots of time to work on the edit which was what we were hoping for as we know that matching up the video with the music, in terms of lip syncing, could take a lot of time. In addition, this gives us the opportunity to go back and re-film certain shots if the need should present itself to us without taking up valuable time. With spare time at the end, we will be able to ensure is as good as we can make it.
Monday, 13 July 2015
G324 - Hit Me Baby One More Time Remake Shot List
Shot Number
Equipment List
Shot Type
Camera Movement
Britney stood at locker
School Shirt
Close Up
Britney and 5 backing
dancers dancing.
School Shirt
Mid Shot
Britney and 5 backing
dancers dancing.
School Shirt
Extreme Long Shot
Gentle Pull Out
2 girls stood at lockers.
School Shirt
Mid Shot
Britney and 5 backing
dancers dancing.
School Shirt
Long Shot
Britney and 5 backing
dancers dancing.
School Shirt
Extreme Long Shot
Britney dancing.
School Shirt
Close Up
Britney stood at locker.
School Shirt
Long Shot
Gentle Zoom
Britney stood at locker
School Shirt
Close Up
Britney stood at locker
looking down.
School Shirt
Mid Shot
Man pirouetting through
School Shirt
Long Shot
Britney and 5 backing
dancers dancing.
School Shirt
Long Shot
Girl at locker.
School Shirt
Close Up
Saturday, 11 July 2015
Thursday, 9 July 2015
G324 - Our Re-Make Section
Sam and I will be re-making the "Hit Me Baby One More Time" video from 51 seconds to 1 minute 6 seconds. This section includes many small sections of a dance routine. This could be difficult as the actors that we have access to are not dancers and therefore could struggle to carry out the moves.
In addition, some of the transitions are very quick and therefore some of the shots could be hard to capture for the correct duration.
As well as this, I feel that it is going to be difficult to sync the filmed aspects with the music due to having never tried to lip sync before. Finally, some of the camera movements, such as the zoom in at 59 seconds, seem to be extremely difficult due to the equipment we have access to.
In addition, some of the transitions are very quick and therefore some of the shots could be hard to capture for the correct duration.
As well as this, I feel that it is going to be difficult to sync the filmed aspects with the music due to having never tried to lip sync before. Finally, some of the camera movements, such as the zoom in at 59 seconds, seem to be extremely difficult due to the equipment we have access to.
G324 - How Re-Making Hit Me Baby One More Time Will Impact My Own Music Video

Wednesday, 8 July 2015
G324 - Avicii: The Nights Textual Analysis - My Favourite Music Video
Avicii's music video for his single The Nights is a conceptual video due to the way the video has been constructed to reflect the lyrics of the video. There are slight aspects of performance within the clip, shown through the lip sync, however this is to add to the concept of reflection rather than to look like a set or performance.
The video clearly appears to fit the alternative genre of music due to the crazy stunts depicted and the pure message within the video. This style of video is uncommon and therefore would hint towards an alternative style. This subverts the genre of Avicii's music which is House and Electronic Dance (EDM). EDM music tends to be produced for being showcased in night clubs and at festivals, therefore it is uncommon for them to be accompanied by videos at all, let alone in the style that has been adopted. Due to this, all aspects of the video contradict the norm for the genre. It is also uncommon for EDM music to have much of a message and is usually produced to get people dancing rather than thinking. The video itself was produced by Rory Kramer, a "professional live-lifer" which is where the intertextual references arise. Rory Kramer dedicates his time in creating a life he will remember, which relates to the theme of both the video that he produced and the song that Avicii produced.
The video adopts the theme of living life to its full potential, shown through the montage of clips of extreme sports and life-changing experiences. The video itself does not appear to tell a full story but rather indicates that it is showcasing the epitome of the story of life. It begins with an added narrative element from Rory Kramer which explains what is to be shown within the video. What entails is a montage of clips that Rory has filmed on hand-held cameras to depict his life and the adventures which he has taken part in, such as cliff diving and hand-gliding. The video ends with Kramer spray painting the message of the video onto a concrete wall; "Live a life you will remember." which caused this to become the resounding image within the minds of the audience and the entirety of the video reflects these key lyrics.
The video features the representation of age as it depicts the way in which Rory Kramer believes he should make the most of his life whilst he is young as he will be unable to have the same experiences when he is older. This presents young adults as being stereotypically reckless and brave. It also stereotypes the older generation as being less able and more relaxed. Avicii himself is not present within the video at all which helps to indicate the way in which the video was not produced by him.
There are a few instances within the video where camera movements such as pans and zooms have been used to help accentuate the beauty of the landscape. This creates a sense of awe and amazement for the viewer. The editing of the video is fast-paced which reflects Kramer's outgoing lifestyle as well as the beat of the music. Together, this creates a sense of adventure and causes the action to seem more dangerous and exciting. The shot at 00:45 is visually appealing due to the contrast of the black silhouettes against the vibrant sunset. This indicates that Rory Kramer has travelled the world to find such amazing views. The use of the hand-held camera throughout the video helps to denote Kramer's association with the action and enables the audience to understand that it is a documentation of his life, rather than Avicii's.
The target audience for this video appears to be working class teens and young men, potentially also from the upper class, which is indicated by the people staring in the video. There are only 6 females shown in the entirety of the video, each for less than a second, and only two of whom have their faces visible, making it seem as though the video is intentionally not targeting women. This could be due to the stereotypical idea of women being more sensible, less adventurous and a whole lot more fearful than men. Combining this with the genre of the music, it is very evident that this video was made to target young males. The audience are most likely to access the video through YouTube which allows them to share it across other social media platforms such as Facebook and Tumblr.
This analysis will help me when it comes to making my own video as it has allowed me to explore the variety of ways in which music videos can be made and has introduced me to the idea that not all music videos are produced by the artists who created the music.
Monday, 6 July 2015
G324 - Analysing Love The Way You Lie (Eminem ft. Rihanna) Using Goodwin's Theory
1 - Music videos demonstrate certain genre characteristics;
The video clearly depicts the stereotypical characteristics of rap videos such as Eminem throwing signs, the theme of violence throughout the piece and the male character stealing alcohol from the shop.
2 - There is a relationship between lyrics and visuals;
The lyrics tell the story of a girl caught in an abusive relationship with a man who cannot control his anger which is shown throughout the narrative of the video through the man pushing the girl around and the fire. Not only this, but at some points during the video the characters mouth some of the words along with Eminem's rapping, showing an inseparable link between visuals and lyrics.
3 - There is a relationship between music and visuals;
The video is cut on the beat of the music, showing a distinct relationship between the two.
4 - The demands of the record label will include the need for lots of artist close-up's;
This is made obvious through the way in which there are a total of 39 close-ups on the artists throughout the song, 24 of them focusing on Rihanna and the remaining 15 focusing on Eminem.
5 - The artist may develop motifs or iconography that recur across their work;
Eminem's videos commonly show him to be isolated whilst rapping which is mirrored throughout this video.
6 - There is frequent reference to the notion of "looking" and particularly voyeuristic treatment of the female body;
There are some aspects within the piece that refer to the notion of looking, such as when the camera takes on the role of the female character's eyes as she looks at the phone number scrawled across the back of the male character's hand.
7 - There are often intertextual references, mostly to film, TV and popular culture;
By using Megan Fox to play the female character within the video, Eminem is creating more adversity for her which tied in with the release of the new Transformers film at the time.

This will help me when it comes to creating my own music video as it has helped me to understand how easily these ideas can be integrated into the video without becoming obvious to the audience unless specifically being looked for.
Saturday, 4 July 2015
G324 - Goodwin's Theory on Music Videos
2 - There is a relationship between lyrics and visuals; such as showing the life of a depressed child in a video for a song about coping and getting over depression.
3 - There is a relationship between music and visuals; such as having the shot changes on the beat.
4 - The demands of the record label will include the need for a certain number of close-ups of the artist; such as Blackground Records.

5 - The artist may develop motifs or iconography that recur across their work; such as the frequent use of drum imagery in music videos for White Stripes.
6 - There is frequent reference to the notion of 'looking', particularly voyeuristic treatment of the female body; such as the sexualisation of female artists..

This will help me when creating my own music video as I will be able to refer back to this list and ensure that my music video contains some of these aspects in order to ensure its success.
Thursday, 2 July 2015
G324 - P!nk: Funhouse Textual Analysis
P!nk's music video for her single Funhouse appears to be a combination of a performance, narrative and symbolic video due to the way in which P!nk is shown to be performing the song throughout the video whilst also telling a story which is further exemplified through the symbolic use of props and characters.

The video appears to be very pop/rock which suits the aesthetic that P!nk finally discovered upon the creation of her "I'm Not Dead" album, a few years before the release of this single. After being heavily pressurised in the beginning of her career to be an R&B and pop artist, P!nk rebelled against her record label in 2003 with the creation of a heavily rock influenced album "Try This". It wasn't until the release of "I'm Not Dead" in 2006 that P!nk found her comfort ground and settled into the pop/rock genre that she is now known for.

The clowns, however, are not the only reflection of P!nk's lyrics from within the video. The first line of the song, "I dance around this empty house" is directly shown within the video for the majority of the duration. As mentioned before, P!nk picks up an old photograph of her and Carey at which point she sings "Pictures framing up the past, your taunting smirk behind the glass". In addition the line "I'm going to burn to it down" is repeated many times throughout the song and is reflected by the house being on fire. Whilst singing the numbers of the countdown, P!nk is shown to be counting down on her fingers in an aggressive manner, reflecting not only the lyrics but also the tone behind them. These are only some of the examples however, and it is clear that the lyrics and video go hand in hand for the duration of the song.
and more obvious, representation within the video is that of the event of P!nk and Carey's break up. This has been presented as being a big turning point in P!nk's life and as destructive and powerful. The stereotypical use of colour helps to present P!nk as the innocent character in the story through her white clothing. However, as P!nk moves through the house, her outfit becomes more stained and tarnished by the ash and smoke from the fire. This indicates the way in which the events depicted in the video have caused P!nk's innocence to be compromised, leading to her donning a black motorbike jacket and helmet which connote her attempting to protect herself from further harm. The clothing itself is all ripped and torn which adds to the idea of P!nk's destroyed innocence yet also presents P!nk as being tough. It is very clear within the video that P!nk is there as her complete and true self.
The video is set in a dusty, dirty field with a grave, a huge swimming pool and a burning shell of a building which is surrounded by debris and household furniture. The house is abandoned par the visual metaphor of the evil clowns. This connotes the loneliness P!nk was experiencing at the time and hints that despite her tough exterior, behind closed doors she was falling apart - burning. The most dominant colour within the video is by far the white of P!nk's outfit, as discussed above.

Completing this analysis has allowed me to pay close attention to the way in which one of my favourite artists has constructed one of her music videos. This will help me when it comes to creating my own music video as I will be able to use some of the most effective aspects within my own to improve its quality.
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