Tuesday 23 June 2015

G324 - Why We Are Re-Making Britney Spears's "Hit Me Baby One More Time" Video

The class is coming together to recreate the "Hit My Baby One More Time" video so as to give us all an opportunity to familiarise ourselves with the creation of music videos and the problems that we could come across when making our own.
This exercise will give us our first opportunity to work with lip-syncing videos to music and will allow us to experiment more with editing techniques to ensure the lip-syncing is correct. This will give us an understanding of the difficulties of lip-syncing and will help to give us ideas about how we can overcome this for when we make our own videos.
It will also allow us to play around with different styles of video in comparison to making the film opening. This will be a benefit to us as it will help us to decide what style we would like our music videos to be - whether we would prefer it to resemble a short film or whether we would prefer to make a performance based video.
In addition, this task will give us an opportunity to become more accustomed with the equipment available to us and will give us some idea as to the quality of video achievable with said equipment.

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